Mindset A King is Born: Developing a Kingdom

Matthew‬ ‭4:17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
[17] From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Have you ever travelled to a foreign nation? The experience can leave quite an impression on you, especially if it is the first time. One of the things people experience is a culture shock because the rhythm of life that you are used to is disrupted and challenged. From the language to the laws that govern the land, many things will be quite different, requiring a new way of thinking.
Jesus, who is not just a king, but the King of kings, came with a message and the message was; “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
The word repent in Greek is the word Metanoeo and it means to change one’s mind for the better. Jesus the King came proclaiming that we need to change the way we think, for the kingdom of heaven is here.
One of the main reasons many are yet to experience this kingdom that Christ is King is because they have refused to change the way they think.
Just as when you travel to a different nation, you must think differently to operate within the laws that govern that land, so it is with the kingdom of God. We must be transformed by the renewal of our minds. The tricky part is that we are still living in this world which is being governed by the natural carnal laws, yet God tells us to live by a higher law, the laws of the heavenly kingdom. We are in this world but not of this world.
As we celebrate that a King has been born, may we embrace his rule over our life by repenting and aligning our thinking to the kingdom thinking.
What culture shock have you experienced as you travelled to a new nation or community?
What has been your understanding of the word repent?
What must you do to ensure that you develop a kingdom mindset?
Matthew‬ ‭4:17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
[17] From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Have you ever travelled to a foreign nation? The experience can leave quite an impression on you, especially if it is the first time. One of the things people experience is a culture shock because the rhythm of life that you are used to is disrupted and challenged. From the language to the laws that govern the land, many things will be quite different, requiring a new way of thinking.
Jesus, who is not just a king, but the King of kings, came with a message and the message was; “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
The word repent in Greek is the word Metanoeo and it means to change one’s mind for the better. Jesus the King came proclaiming that we need to change the way we think, for the kingdom of heaven is here.
One of the main reasons many are yet to experience this kingdom that Christ is King is because they have refused to change the way they think.
Just as when you travel to a different nation, you must think differently to operate within the laws that govern that land, so it is with the kingdom of God. We must be transformed by the renewal of our minds. The tricky part is that we are still living in this world which is being governed by the natural carnal laws, yet God tells us to live by a higher law, the laws of the heavenly kingdom. We are in this world but not of this world.
As we celebrate that a King has been born, may we embrace his rule over our life by repenting and aligning our thinking to the kingdom thinking.
What culture shock have you experienced as you travelled to a new nation or community?
What has been your understanding of the word repent?
What must you do to ensure that you develop a kingdom mindset?


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