The King is Born: Embracing Kingdom Values

The King is born and if we are to truly celebrate his birth gen we must embrace him. We cannot embrace him until we truly understand his message and what he stands for. The King came preaching a message of repentance because the kingdom of heaven is here. Repentance means changing how we think for the better.
Every kingdom has values that govern relationships and way of life within the kingdom. Some key values in this heavenly kingdom include humility, forgiveness, and serving, among others. These are values the King not only preached, but he also demonstrated through the way he lived.
His birth, which we remember and celebrate in this season, is adorned with humility. His mission was also one of humility because the bible says that he humbled himself to die, even death on a cross. This death was to fulfil another kingdom value, which is forgiveness. Through his death, we have forgiveness of sin. This kingdom value is so important that Jesus the King told us that if we do not forgive men their trespasses, then our heavenly Father will not forgive us our trespasses. The heavenly kingdom is one that is filled with forgiven subjects.
Jesus declared that the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve. He gave his life as a ransom for many. In this Kingdom, we are urged to consider others as better than ourselves and in so doing, serve them because to serve others is to serve the king.
Love is the value that holds everything together. Everything that is done in this Kingdom has to stem from a place of love. Our God not only loves us, he is love.
As we celebrate the birth of The King, we must ask ourselves, have we truly embraced the King and the values of his kingdom?
What is one value that you are never willing to compromise, no matter the price you have to pay?
As one who is forgiven, are you quick to extend this forgiveness to others, or do you hold on to grudges?
Are you quick to serve, or do you always expect others to serve you?


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