Finishing Strong: Make Corrections

Genesis 2:18 NKJV
And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.”
The end of a year and the start of a new one can be times of both joy and discouragement based on ones perspective. One can look back at the year that’s ending and choose to focus on the down times and failures leading to discouragement and discontentment. That in itself can become a bookmark we choose to dwell at because we sometimes love to wallow in self pity, and thus we enter the new year already discouraged and defeated.
After God finished his work of creation he looked back and saw that something was not good. It was not good for man to be alone. He then created woman out of man and adjusted that which was not good to become good. There’s a lesson for us to learn here.
If we are to finish strong, not only is it good to look back and review and celebrate the gains, we should also look at the short comings not so that we can be depressed and discouraged about it but so that we can make adjustments.
Reviewing will help you see the mistakes you made and now that you have the gift of hind sight, then you can make wise decisions.
Look back at 2022 and take note of the areas that you did not do so well. Ask God in prayer to give you the wisdom to know what adjustments you need to make and then as you make plans for the coming new year, apply the adjustments and do it again.
What is the one thing in your life that was not good in 2022?
Why is it not good and is there something you can do to make it good?
Failure is not final but a lesson in the journey to make you better. Pick up the pieces and make adjustments and do it again.


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