Come with Me: A Message from CEO Leo Slingerland

Article By Family Media CEO, Mr. Leo Slingerland

“Come with me. I’ll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I’ll show you how to catch men and women.” Mathew 4:19

Can you imagine? You are sitting behind your desk; somebody walks into your office, does not ask who you are, but tells you to follow him because he needs you!

No, He does not promise big pay or insurance for your whole family, neither he talks about the hours you should work daily or the leave days. He is asking you to trust Him.

Most probably you ask him to leave your office.

Simon (later called Peter) and Andrew knew what to do when Jesus came by and asked them to follow Him.

They didn’t ask questions but dropped their nets and followed.

They became Fishers of men, and because of their faith, they became world changers.

I came to Kenya in 1981 to be here for two years only. But after two years, I didn’t return because  God asked me to become a fisherman of men in Kenya, and I trusted Him.

Eighteen years later, God opened the door to start a TV and radio station. A favor from God to Kenya, and we got the favor to bring “Jesus on the airwaves.”

You became a part of these blessings for thousands of people. You trusted Him too, and together we worked for 24 years. You gave us the money and prayed for us. We did the job as well as possible and built a ministry for Kenya and Africa today to be seen and heard worldwide.

Twenty-four years on the air is a long time. Media houses in Kenya today are fighting for their existence. Advertisers no longer use TV and Radio enough to keep them all alive.

We have never depended on advertisers; they didn’t like to use us anyway. We are dependent on God and God’s children. We depend on you and would be grateful if you could get our drag nets overfull.

May God bless you.

Leo Slingerland

“Come with me. I’ll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I’ll show you how to catch men and women.” Mathew 4:19

Can you imagine? You are sitting behind your desk; somebody walks into your office, does not ask who you are, but tells you to follow him because he needs you!

No, He does not promise big pay or insurance for your whole family, neither he talks about the hours you should work daily or the leave days. He is asking you to trust Him.

Most probably you ask him to leave your office.

Simon (later called Peter) and Andrew knew what to do when Jesus came by and asked them to follow Him.

They didn’t ask questions but dropped their nets and followed.

They became Fishers of men, and because of their faith, they became world changers.

I came to Kenya in 1981 to be here for two years only. But after two years, I didn’t return because  God asked me to become a fisherman of men in Kenya, and I trusted Him.

Eighteen years later, God opened the door to start a TV and radio station. A favor from God to Kenya, and we got the favor to bring “Jesus on the airwaves.”

You became a part of these blessings for thousands of people. You trusted Him too, and together we worked for 24 years. You gave us the money and prayed for us. We did the job as well as possible and built a ministry for Kenya and Africa today to be seen and heard worldwide.

Twenty-four years on the air is a long time. Media houses in Kenya today are fighting for their existence. Advertisers no longer use TV and Radio enough to keep them all alive.

We have never depended on advertisers; they didn’t like to use us anyway. We are dependent on God and God’s children. We depend on you and would be grateful if you could get our drag nets overfull.

May God bless you.

Leo Slingerland


  1. The privilege of being a ” fisherman” is the most fulfilling , highest and most noble call of God to all of us.
    God indeed has been faithful to equip and provides all resources “exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we could think or imagine” to ensure Jesus remains on the airwaves. We’re family!


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