Editor's Pick

God Is for You – But Do You Really Believe That?

Why do we accept certain labels for ourselves, whether true or false and how do the names we live by impact our lives? It’s easy...

COVID-19 Two Years On

Do you remember the nationwide curfew? The travel bans? The closing of places of worship? By the way, why was the church labeled ''a...

Silent Pulpit

I suspect we need to give some more thought to this often-stated contemporary wisdom: ''We should just focus on the Gospel and not get...

A fighting Spirit

Images and videos of the troubling and traumatic events have been going around the social media platforms as the deadly Russian assault rages...a section...

What we need is a Leader-shift not a Leadership Bet!

Depending on how one might want to look at it, the recent resignation by several civil servants to join politics has raised significant questions...

The Puzzle of Government Regulation of Churches

With the ever-increasing criticism and failure by the church to model accountability and transparency in its operations, questions have arisen as to the need...

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