Why do we accept certain labels for ourselves, whether true or false and how do the names we live by impact our lives?
It’s easy to read the Bible and agree that God loves us and sees us as worthy, yet still, go through life believing lies about ourselves. How can we actually take what God tells us to heart?
How does Jesus show us how to live out of our true identity, rather than a false one?
We live in a world of clutter, and competing interests cloud our judgments a time, there is such an intense pressure to build a name and get influence. For a pastor, the pressure is to build the ministry and professionalize the calling and get influence. We all want to be “influencers.”
It feels like there’s a lot of pressure to build towers unto our own name. And I feel that pressure as much as anybody else does. But this pressure, is building a generation that is walking around like with their heads hanging low because they really don’t know this very basic, foundational truth that God loves them and God is for them.
Writing to the Romans, Paul the Apostle said, “What then shall we say to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 (Ampc)
You, and I, have received the Spirit and, as God’s children and joint-heirs with Christ, we are to live by the Spirit and not by the corrupted impulses of the flesh.
Like the lyrics from the American contemporary band, Big Daddy Weave’s song “Redeemed” it seems like all you can see is the struggle, all your life you have been called unworthy, you have been named by the voice of your shame and regret. Hold on!
From the band’s lyrics, “Child lift up your head,” You’re Redeemed! Jesus, is the ultimate guide to conquering your clutter.
Remember that God is good. God is for us. So, shake off the heavy chains, use your experience and position to sway people to Him. Become an influencer for Christ, that’s why we are here, for the name and renown of Jesus and for the flourishing of others, not for our own names.