
Workplace Manipulation

Naivety is described as lack of wisdom, knowledge or experience. I define it as lack of a learning opportunity; which in turn makes you...

The Greatest Prayer Ever Recorded

We should know that the greatest of all recorded prayers of Christ is prayed as He set out towards the Garden of Gethsemane and...

Are the Biblical End Times Upon Us? The Shocking Russia-Iran Moment That Just Caused Ezekiel 38 to Trend on Social Media

ANALYSIS Ezekiel 38, a key Bible chapter containing what is believed to be important end times prophecies, trended on Twitter Tuesday — and the reasons...

Truth be Told: Entitlement is us and we are it!

We all need a reality check! Entitlement is us and we are it. Before you ask me “Do we have a problem?” Give me...

Faith! The Missing Link in the Debates

Televised political debates in Kenya started in 2013 and since then they have become part of the election calendar, with an intention to enable...

Christ, the perfect God-man is meek

2Timothy 2:25-26 "Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth...

Is these the last days?

2Timothy 3:1-3 "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful,...

Truth Be Told: The Political Love Story

It is a season of love in all scopes. Wooing is happening left right and center, with the media as the watchdog zooming in...

Keeping a Vow

Do you keep all your vows? Elder John Ng'ang'a takes you through this devotion based on Ecclesiastes 5:4 (NIV) " When you make a vow...

The faithlessness of men does not disprove the faithfulness of God

2Timothy 2:13-15 "If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself. Keep reminding God’s people of these things. Warn them before...

World’s Top Persecutors of Christians Called Out in Upcoming Report

International Christian Concern (ICC) is releasing its annual “Persecutor of the Year Awards” report at the International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington D.C. on June...

Michael Agwanda: From Mission field to the world of Politics

For many years now, Christians have been challenged to join active politics and seek elective posts to enhance deeper political engagement and better leadership....

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