The high cost of living is not unique to just Kenya alone. Even first World Countries are posed with the same economic burden. The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, to some extent, has directly influenced the cost of living in the world. To shed off some of the burden US President Joe Biden, “Today I am authorizing the release of one million barrels per day for the next 6 months over 180 million from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.” The move is meant to curb gas prices to shield American citizens from harsher economic times.
Zooming into our current state as a nation; Long queues have become a normal occurrence in some parts of the country within the last 2 weeks. The common man has been crying out to the government to lower the cost of living. However, even as a new budget is being tabled today in parliament, Kenyans have little to no hope that their cries will be answered. In addition to this, it’s still unclear whether the government released the stabilization funds to oil suppliers in the country. What are you expectation on the budget reading today?