Qualities of A True Church: Fellowship & Breaking Bread

Acts 2:42 NKJV And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

The Jerusalem church consisted of people from different ethnic groups, but they were devoted in fellowship one with another.

The Greek word for fellowship is Koinonia, and it means to share with someone in something. It means intimacy and joint participation.

These believers were in fellowship because they understood that they shared a common salvation. They shared a common objective, and they shared in common worship. They had the understanding that though they were different, they were united by Christ’s love to become part of his body and they walked in the love of God.

They basically became one family, not just meeting once a week on Sunday morning for a 2-hour service, but daily in their homes doing life together. Their whole lives were completely turned around and life revolved around God and each other.

They also broke bread together, meaning they observed the Lord’s supper, remembering the death and resurrection of Christ, and also shared meals together. Eating together was a very significant activity in the bible culture, it demonstrated love acceptance, friendship and fellowship. Remember when the Pharisees were annoyed that Jesus was eating with the tax collectors and sinners? Even in heaven, we are looking forward to the marriage supper of the lamb.

Where the Church of Jesus Christ exists and meets, there will be true fellowship that is driven by love because we cannot claim to love God whom we have not seen, and yet, we do not love our brother whom we can see. Breaking bread in remembrance of the death and resurrection of Christ plus sharing meals together should also be a regular feature.


  • Would you consider the church you go to as a true family where genuine fellowship happens?
  • What must we do to enhance genuine fellowship in our churches?
  • How often do you break bread in the church you fellowship at?

Acts 2:42 NKJV And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

The Jerusalem church consisted of people from different ethnic groups, but they were devoted in fellowship one with another.

The Greek word for fellowship is Koinonia, and it means to share with someone in something. It means intimacy and joint participation.

These believers were in fellowship because they understood that they shared a common salvation. They shared a common objective, and they shared in common worship. They had the understanding that though they were different, they were united by Christ’s love to become part of his body and they walked in the love of God.

They basically became one family, not just meeting once a week on Sunday morning for a 2-hour service, but daily in their homes doing life together. Their whole lives were completely turned around and life revolved around God and each other.

They also broke bread together, meaning they observed the Lord’s supper, remembering the death and resurrection of Christ, and also shared meals together. Eating together was a very significant activity in the bible culture, it demonstrated love acceptance, friendship and fellowship. Remember when the Pharisees were annoyed that Jesus was eating with the tax collectors and sinners? Even in heaven, we are looking forward to the marriage supper of the lamb.

Where the Church of Jesus Christ exists and meets, there will be true fellowship that is driven by love because we cannot claim to love God whom we have not seen, and yet, we do not love our brother whom we can see. Breaking bread in remembrance of the death and resurrection of Christ plus sharing meals together should also be a regular feature.


  • Would you consider the church you go to as a true family where genuine fellowship happens?
  • What must we do to enhance genuine fellowship in our churches?
  • How often do you break bread in the church you fellowship at?


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