It’s Election Time Again, Kenyans!

August 9th is soon approaching, and the more we move closer to that date, the more it makes me realize how intentional we should be about politics. “WE” here means you and me, the Kenyan voter!

Ask yourself,

What is the need of spending amounts of resources – money, time and energy just to have a leader? Why does a leader have to come at such a great cost and strain upon the nation?

Why does leadership, a Divine thing done from the heart, have to be contested like a sport or a competition? Some say its democracy, but does it make sense?

Is our democracy tied to politicians’ misuse of money and public resources campaigning while they turn a blind eye to the sufferings plaguing the masses?

Would it not make a lot of sense if the men and women who are contesting for political elective seats and claim to lead people out of the perennial problems that ride the majority of Kenyans – poverty, disease and ignorance come together and with the strength of their unity plan a clear way out of the three?

When it comes to elections, the stakes are too high, because it is about the future of our country. Actually, it’s not famous individuals Kenyans need, but we need solutions to our day-to-day problems.

Some of these politicians are not in it for what they should be in it for. The culture of violence is embedded in some of our leaders and political hardliners and they are the ones who go about blaming each other for political incitements and violence. To make it worse even the The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) led by Rev.Dr.Samuel Kobia released a report on election preparedness in the country. The report mapped areas in the country where there is a likelihood of violence breaking out during the August general election. The report indicates that out of the 47 counties, six are likely to experience electoral violence in the forthcoming general election.

Fellow Kenyans, we need to put an end to this trend of  political intolerance in this country and we can do it on 9th August 2022, because 2027 will be too little too late.

The fact that legislation can establish laws, presidents can sign laws, military and the law enforcement agents can enforce laws, that fact, doesn’t negate human responsibility to vote good leaders.

Prepare to go and vote, won’t you?


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