Investigating God’s Love: Benefits of God’s Love

John 3:16 NKJV
For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten son, that whoever believes in him SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.
God is perfect in all his ways. There is not even a hint of evil in him. On the other hand, humanity was in lost in a state of sin and hopelessness. Gods love propelled him to reach out and change mans situation. His love does not condemn us, instead it provides a way for us not to perish. Think about this, our sinful condition demanded that we perish because the wages of sin is death but Gods love stood in the way and took our place by Jesus dying on the cross on our account.
But not just that, Gods love did not just save us from perishing, it also ensured that we have back that very thing we did not deserve which is eternal life.
Our sinful nature demanded death but God in his love gave us eternal life for the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When you think about that and what eternal. life which we have now is all about then you get overwhelmed about how deep and how beneficial the love of God is.
We who deserved death have been given life and also an inheritance in heaven. What he has, he has not withheld from us his children.
What manner of love is this?
Gods love does not want you to perish. What are your thoughts about that?
We have eternal life ….. What’s your understanding of that?
Does this understanding of Gods love make you want to share this information with others? Will you do it?


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