Identity and Reassurance: You are Forgiven

Romans 8:1 Amplified Bible (AMP)
8 Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior].
One of the weapons the enemy uses to try and discourage us and bring us down is condemnation. He reminds us of things we have done and when we focus on that then it begins to create doubt in our hearts whether we are truly forgiven. I have met Christians who have what I call a sin bookmark in their life. They can never seem to believe and receive forgiveness from God regarding a particular sin and they keep punishing themselves for a long time.
The bible says there is no guilty verdict and no punishment to those who are in Christ Jesus. It means that you and I are forgiven and God say that when he forgives us;
Psalm 103:12 Amplified Bible (AMP)
12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Isaiah 43:25 Amplified Bible (AMP)
25 “I, only I, am He who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins.
What a reassurance to know that I am forgiven and that God will not hold me accountable for what He has forgiven me. He says that He will not remember my sins. When you are forgiven then you are free, free of the debt that you owed. No wonder the bible says that he that the Son sets free is free in deed! Halleluiah we are free!
Embrace His forgiveness and walk in it. Guard that forgiveness by ensuring that you forgive others as well.
Remember un forgiveness will rob you of Gods forgiveness for Jesus said that God will not forgive us if we fail to forgive men of their trespasses.
When the devil comes knowing at your door looking for that sin bookmark to accuse you, tell him you are a new creation the old things are gone and behold all things have been made new.
Romans 8:1 Amplified Bible (AMP)
8 Therefore there is now no condemnation [no guilty verdict, no punishment] for those who are in Christ Jesus [who believe in Him as personal Lord and Savior].
One of the weapons the enemy uses to try and discourage us and bring us down is condemnation. He reminds us of things we have done and when we focus on that then it begins to create doubt in our hearts whether we are truly forgiven. I have met Christians who have what I call a sin bookmark in their life. They can never seem to believe and receive forgiveness from God regarding a particular sin and they keep punishing themselves for a long time.
The bible says there is no guilty verdict and no punishment to those who are in Christ Jesus. It means that you and I are forgiven and God say that when he forgives us;
Psalm 103:12 Amplified Bible (AMP)
12 As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Isaiah 43:25 Amplified Bible (AMP)
25 “I, only I, am He who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins.
What a reassurance to know that I am forgiven and that God will not hold me accountable for what He has forgiven me. He says that He will not remember my sins. When you are forgiven then you are free, free of the debt that you owed. No wonder the bible says that he that the Son sets free is free in deed! Halleluiah we are free!
Embrace His forgiveness and walk in it. Guard that forgiveness by ensuring that you forgive others as well.
Remember un forgiveness will rob you of Gods forgiveness for Jesus said that God will not forgive us if we fail to forgive men of their trespasses.
When the devil comes knowing at your door looking for that sin bookmark to accuse you, tell him you are a new creation the old things are gone and behold all things have been made new.


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