Life & Style

Lilian Githuka Thuku: “I have become much more accepting of where God places me regardless of my gender”

A woman who appreciates that influence is gradual and is a process that can only help her grow if she stops and reflects on...

Skin Deep: Effects of bleaching and its dangers

Many people especially women struggle with body image issues. Some would like to be thinner, bigger, taller, or shorter than they are. Others however...

Monkeypox found in US and UK: What is it and should you be worried?

The case, the first in the US so far this year, follows reports of scattered cases in Europe, including seven in the UK and...

Through thick and thin: What’s the state of your health?

60% of urban dwellers suffer from obesity due to poor eating habits and high consumption of fast foods and unhealthy meals. In the rural...

Commonwealth Health Ministers To Discuss Post-COVID Priorities At Annual Meeting

Commonwealth Health Ministers of the 54 member states of the Commonwealth, along with partner organisations, civil society, and policymakers are meeting this week for...

Marriage: What are your fears?

We all have fears that run through our minds. We all think of how we would face different transitions or phases of life like...

Fame and Depression: A look into life in the media

The lights, cameras, and action around being well known, or in an industry that focuses on looks, charm, and outward beauty, it can be...

5 ways to show you can lead — even when you don’t have a leadership role

Just because you don’t have a title, that doesn’t mean you’re not a leader. But if you want to someday gain that title and a...

Burn out: How to get out of your overwhelming life

Burnout can sometimes be confused for normal tiredness, but on the contrary, burnout and in specific work burnout is fatigue beyond needing one night...

How to get out of spiritual abuse

Spirituality can make you grow tremendously on a personal and social level. But, it can also make one vulnerable to a lot of unbiblical...

Celebrating Motherhood

Motherhood means a lot of different things; it is so dynamic, that I would dare define it as a complex equation with no end....

How Jesus Put My Life Into Perspective

Motherhood is wrapped as birthing and nurturing new life; a responsibility shouldered on a woman. In many cultures and religious traditions, motherhood has been...

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