Blossoms Overnight

In Numbers 17, when the people were questioning Moses’ and Aaron’s authority as leaders, God instructed Moses to take the staffs from the leaders of each of the tribes of Israel and place them in the tabernacle where God’s presence was manifest. These staffs were old walking sticks, dead pieces of wood. The next morning the staff of Aaron had sprouted, blossomed, and even produced almonds. This dead wood that blossomed was proof of who God’s leaders were.

God can change what looks dead overnight, a dream, or a financial situation. You may think it’s going to take years to get well, to restore a relationship, or break an addiction. God knows how to speed it up with one good break, one phone call, one idea. Suddenly, unexpectedly, God can change it overnight. Now don’t believe the lies that it’s never going to change. What you think is dead, God is saying, “I can still cause it to blossom.” You can still become who you were created to be

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for the dreams and desires You put in my heart. Thank You that I can stir up my faith and know that You can resurrect overnight what I may have thought was dead. I declare that it is never too late to see my dreams come to pass because You have the final say. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


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