I am reminded of the song ‘Be it Unto Me’ by Don Moen. It’s a biblical song, that speaks into the promises that God has for us, that he will keep these promises. The song is a declaration that what the LORD has spoken over our lives shall come to pass according to His word.
If we really reflect on this, we will realize that God is not a man that He should lie. John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” God is His word and His word is Him. He is the word. He is as good as His word and His word is as true as He is.
If we begin to view the promises that God has spoken over us through His word, and understand the weight of God Himself having to keep His word so that He does not go against Himself, then we will loose ourselves from unnecessary anxiety, knowing that what He has spoken is true because He is the way, the truth and the life. What He says he will do, for his promises are ‘Yes and Amen’.
“LORD may you grant us the grace, strength and strong faith that reminds us of who you are. That you would cause us to remember that you are the God who keeps His promises.
In Jesus Name, AMEN!”