A story is told of a lady who would bank her daily sales at the end of the day. Every day she walked into the bank people would hold on to their noses because of how she smelled. She didn’t mind because she knew where she came from, with the type of business she carried out, it was inevitable. Right now, her fish feeds business is making profit in the millions.
What if she was offended by how people reacted in her earlier days of business? She wouldn’t have seen the fruits she now enjoys. She trusted the process.
Someone else we know also trusted the process, and we now receive eternal life because of him. Jesus. Jesus, though he is God took himself through the process of the ultimate sacrifice.
What does this tell us, especially when we become impatient in waiting on God, that the process is there to glorify God. Therefore we ought to also glorify God when we are in the process. There is blessing and power when we give God glory.
We must be consistent, like the lady who kept banking no matter what. If we can keep banking, and in this case, keep banking on God, keep making deposits of praise with our whole heart; Heaven will be touched and will not withhold any blessings from us.
“LORD Jesus, help us to praise you as we wait on you. That we would go through the process of life in your presence. Grant us your blessings that are an outpouring of our earnest praise to you.
In Jesus Name. Amen”
Praise in the Process