Proverbs 31:30 (ESV)
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31 is one of those texts that have sadly become cliché. Unfortunately, it has become a source of great pressure for women as opposed to a source of encouragement and example. However, studied well, the text is a treasure trove of wisdom not just for women but for men as well. This is because some of the traits that are hailed as praiseworthy know no gender and should be pursued by all. But also, Proverbs 31 records the words of a mother giving advice to her son, King Lemuel. It is a warning that Lemuel keeps himself away from women who destroy and wine which perverts the way of justice. Verse 10 to 31 proceeds to highlight the kind of woman that is to be celebrated, in a sense the kind that King Lemuel should pursue for marriage – and that’s a lesson for men.
There are various virtues that describe this woman. She is described in verse 10 as an excellent woman (ESV), virtuous woman (KJV), and a woman of noble character (NIV). She is presented as being industrious and enterprising – waking up early to sort out the affairs of her home and engaging in profitable business (Verse 13-19). Her maidens are well taken care of with each receiving their portion from her – she is kind (Verse 14b). She is generous to the poor and caters for the needy (Verse 20). The words proceeding from her mouth are full of wisdom and kindness (Verse 26). All these traits she possesses because she is a godly woman, one who fears the Lord. Indeed, as her husband describes her, “A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” In conclusion then, the Proverbs 31 woman appears, on the surface of it, to be some superwoman possessing superpowers. However, her superpower is that she fears God and therefore is a good example to us of what Godliness looks like.
1. In what ways have you heard the Proverbs 31 woman taught?
2. Of the traits that she possesses, which one is the most difficult for you?
3. How does the example of Godliness portrayed by the Proverbs 31 woman challenge you to be better?