Hebrews 11:11 (ESV)
By faith Sarah herself received power to conceive, even when she was past the age, since she considered him faithful who had promised.
Whenever we think about faith, the example that leaps from the Scriptures is that of Abraham, the father of faith – and rightly so. However, we rarely consider the fact that Sarah was also commended for her faith. Our text today reminds us that Isaac was born from faith because Sarah considered the God who had promised her and Abraham a child faithful. She was an old woman and past child-bearing age when God first promised Abraham a son and she was even older when the LORD reiterated the promise to them (Genesis 18). As sure as the word of God had said, Sarah conceived and bore a son.
For us to fully appreciate Sarah’s faith, we must understand the cultural setting that she lived in. Her world attached value and worth to a woman based on her ability to bear children, the very thing she was unable to. She had waited for a child for many years to no avail until her ‘biological clock’ ticked past childbirth. Then God made a promise but it was not to be realised immediately. Nevertheless, the Bible tells us, she believed God and judged Him faithful based on His promise. However, as we all do, at some point she tried taking matters into her own hands and Ishmael was born but that was neither the promise nor the plan of God. We too must beware in our seasons of waiting of taking matters into our own hands because God’s promise follows His own divine plan. As the Bible reminds us, God makes everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Therefore, child of God, have the faith of Sarah and consider Him who has made the promise(s) to you faithful.
1. Is there a promise from God that you find difficult to believe?
2. Is there something that you have been waiting on the Lord for a long time? In what ways does today’s devotion encourage you to faithfully wait?
3. In what other ways does today’s devotion challenge you to live a life of faith?