After a long unofficial and official campaign period, the “hustlers” have finally gained the “Freedom” after William Samoei Ruto been declared President-elect by the IEBC chairperson Wafula Chebukati. He took 50.49% of the total votes cast in the August 9 polls. One would say, the prophesy the outgoing president Uhuru Kenyatta gave has finally become a reality, “Kumi yangu na Kumi ya Ruto.”
Looking at the history, the President-elect was born on 21st December 1966 in Sambut village. He had a peaceful upbringing; which enabled him to secure a position at “The University of Nairobi.” As fate would have it in his pursuit for an undergraduate in Botany and Zoology. His leadership skills and active involvement in campus christian union provided an opportunity for him to meet the Late President Daniel Arap Moi who would later on take Hon. Ruto under his wing and mentor him in politics.

William’s political career started in the year 1992 during the general elections. He co-founded the Youth for KANU (YK92); a group formed to campaign for the Late President Moi. This brought the president-elect closer to the late President. In the next election of 1997, President Elect William Ruto, was elected as Member of Parliament for Nandi North a seat he held till 2013, when he vied for the Deputy Presidency alongside the Presidential Hopeful then Uhuru Kenyatta. After a successful electioneering period he became the 1st Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya under the new constitution. During his time as a member of parliament, Hon. Ruto served under different capacities: assistant minister in the Office of the President, Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Agriculture and Higher Education.
What happens next? Article of 141 of Kenya Constitution under the clause of Assumption of office of President States, “The swearing in of the President-elect shall be in public before the Chief Justice, or, in the absence of the Chief Justice, the Deputy Chief Justice. (2) The President-elect shall be sworn in on the first Tuesday following: (a) the fourteenth day after the date of the declaration of the result of the presidential election, if no petition has been filed under Article 140; or (b) the seventh day following the date on which the court renders a decision declaring the election to be valid, if any petition has been filed under Article 140.(3) The President-elect assumes office by taking and subscribing the oath or affirmation of allegiance, and the oath or affirmation for the execution of the functions of office, as prescribed in the Third Schedule.(4) Parliament shall by legislation provide for the procedure and ceremony for the swearing-in of a President-elect.”
If no petition is filed then the President-Elect William Ruto should be sworn in on the 29th of August 2022 in accordance with the law. Two questions remain how attainable is the “Bottom up Economy” and how strong will be the opposition or will we see another handshake? Only time will tell, Congratulations to Kenya’s 5th President William Samoei Ruto, may God lead you to serve the Nation.