The God of the Impossible: Power over Resources

I Kings 17:12 NKJV
So she said, “As the Lord your God lives, I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin, and a little oil in a jar; and see, I am gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it, and die.”
“Jehovah Jireh my provider” is a quote many believers like to declare, but it becomes hard to believe when what you have is not enough and God is asking you to give it away.
Let’s be honest, we all would prefer that God would provide more than enough way before it’s needed rather than wait until the very last minute before he provides, and this he seems to do more often than not.
The widow of Zarephath was down to the wire, she had enough for just one more meal for her and her son and after that as she puts it, they die. Now in such a situation you would expect that God would send the prophet to her with resources, I mean, she is clearly the one in need. Remember, God had been feeding his prophet with meat and bread delivered by ravens.
Yes, God has power over resources but we must trust him, regardless of what we see on the ground. It took faith for the widow to take that which was not enough for her and her son and make a meal first for the prophet as directed by God and then her miracle came, her flour and oil never run out.
God has power over resources because he is the one who created them. He desires that we would not put our eyes on the resources but on him. Man has a tendency to forget God when he has more than enough, we forget that it is God who gives, and we become prideful thinking it’s about us, and we are better than others.
Whether it is the widow’s oil or the five loaves and two fish or manna in the wilderness for 40 years, God has shown us in his word that he is able to provide more than enough. Think about this, we put seeds in the ground to die, and somehow we trust that God will cause them to germinate and bring forth much more. In the same manner, may we learn to follow God’s lead and put what we have in his hands, no matter how small, and trust that he will multiply it.
Have you ever experienced the supernatural, miraculous supply of resources from God? What happened?
Put yourself in the widow’s shoes, would you have done what she did or would you have doubted?
Do you trust God with your resources today? When what you have is not enough, are you quick to give or do you hold back?


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