Rising Above Discouragement: Loss of Confidence

Nehemiah 4:10
10 Then Judah said, “The strength of the laborers is failing, and there is so much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall.”
The Israelites were working hard to rebuild the walls and everything seemed like it was going great until the opposition and setbacks set in. Soon enough the laborers lose their strength and there is so !much rubbish that they were unable to build.
The task of the laborers was not just to build, they also had to clear the site to pave the way for the walls to be rebuilt. This was a wall that lay in waste for about 100 years and there was lots of rubbish to clear and build at the same time.
In our Christian walk of faith, God is rebuilding things in our life, but we will have a lot of rubbish to clear. The truth is that we do not have the capacity to clear the rubbish ourselves, and that is why we need the help of the Holy Spirit. What we accomplish is not because of our strength, but because of God’s empowerment and grace. The same applies to Nehemiah’s laborers.
When we focus so much on the rubbish and trying to clear it in our strength, we will be discouraged, and we will get our eyes from the vision and the work. The rubbish will make us lose confidence and believe that we can not finish the work that was started.
You and I must learn to trust and depend on God. He is the one who will enable us to clear the rubbish and in turn build the walls.
If you are at a place where the rubbish in your life has caused you to lose the confidence to continue with the work that God has given you, do not walk away. Run to God. He Will help you, and he will clear the rubbish. What he has begun in you, he can finish.


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