No More Excuses: What Shall I say?

Exodus 3:13 (NIIV)
“Moses said to God, ‘Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?'”
When God called Moses from the burning bush, Moses was filled with doubt and uncertainty. His second excuse, “What shall I say?” reveals a common human concern: fear of inadequacy and the unknown. Moses worried about his ability to convey God’s message effectively. He was concerned about his credibility and the response of the Israelites.
This concern resonates deeply with us today. We often find ourselves in situations where we feel unprepared or unequipped to speak or act in God’s name. Whether it’s sharing our faith, making a moral stand, or providing comfort to someone in need, the fear of not knowing what to say can be paralyzing. Moses’ question reflects our own insecurities and the desire for assurance.
God’s response to Moses was profound. He revealed His name, “I AM WHO I AM.” This declaration was not just a name but a revelation of His eternal, self-sufficient nature. It assured Moses—and assures us—that God’s presence and authority are with us. When we are uncertain, God’s identity as “I AM” reminds us that He is everything we need in every situation.
For us today, this means trusting in God’s sufficiency when we feel inadequate. It’s not about having all the answers but about relying on the One who does. When faced with the question, “What shall I say?” we can lean on God’s wisdom and presence. His Spirit guides us, giving us the words and courage we need.
1. In what areas of your life do you feel unprepared or inadequate to speak or act for God?
2. How does the revelation of God as “I AM” impact your understanding of His presence and power in your life?
3. What steps can you take to trust in God’s sufficiency when you feel uncertain about what to say or do?


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