One more time, it is the season that the entire Christian fraternity is celebrating “Easter”. The songs in the air; the rhythms, the poems, and recitals; the plays and skits; the sermons and scripture readings, are all speaking the same language: He suffered according to the scripture; He died, He was buried, and on the third day, He rose again! (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
Beloved, you would rather miss out on Christmas but never miss out on Easter.
This is because, even if Christ would have been born, and grown up and performed all the miracles we read in the Bible; It would all amount to zero if He never consolidated everything by dying and resurrecting from the grave. This is the whole point of Christianity and the heart of the gospel. (1Corinthians 15:12-22)
What makes us comparatively ‘unique’ and unbeatable as a “religion” is not only in the fact but in the truth, that Jesus is the only leader who died and was resurrected.
The world today and the human race, for that matter, is not only plagued by dreaded diseases but by fears of war, economic recession, political uncertainties, and family shake-ups. There is a sheer outcry for solution and salvation. But while everyone is longing for a time when “it shall be over”, God is still reaching out to us and pointing us back to the words of Jesus on the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30).
The New Testament, and the book of Revelation, in particular, highlight that the Lamb of God was slain before the foundations of the world. Further, in the visions of John, those who defeated Satan, overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimonies. This speaks of how the redemption story was all in God’s original plan; way before creation. (Revelation 12:11, Revelation 13:8)
Beloved, as we give ourselves to these most honorable memories of the sufferings; the crucifixion, the death, the burial, and triumphant resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we must go back to the scripture and talk about the import of the Jewish “Passover” feast and how it relates to our current situation. (Exodus 12).
The Israelites, at the moment, were definitely a very tired people; oppressed and longing for a savior and a hope to step out of the Egyptian bondage. Moses and Aaron successfully, through God’s demonstration of signs and wonders, just won the battle of proving to Pharaoh, that indeed, it was time to “let my people go, so that they may serve me in the wilderness”. Thus, Passover night is very significant, because it rings the bell for the final grand departure. It was time to leave!
Everything can only end and can only be dealt with, at the cross of Calvary. That is where we experience the great exchange between humanity and divinity.
He who knew no sin was made sin, so that we may become the righteousness of God. He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses; by whose stripes we were and are healed. He took our poverty upon himself, that we may be rich. He took our shame, that we may enjoy favour and acceptance in the beloved. He became our peace when the world was in turmoil. He took our curse that we may inherit the blessings of Abraham through faith. The exchange list goes on and on… (Isaiah 53:4-5, Galatians 3:13)
Brethren, we are living in a season and a time when we have now become familiar with words like ‘isolation’, separation/quarantine as well as “staying home”. This is typical of the very Passover night. It is only and purely the blood of Jesus that can distinguish and isolate us from the rest of the world – that we are indeed the children of the most-high God. It is only His blood that will give us identity for protection when the angel of death is passing by. It is only the blood of Jesus that can hide us and keep us safely home when there is chaos outside. Let the blood speak life and bring healing to every soul, family, and nation.
I rest my case by echoing the book of Leviticus 17:11 which clearly announces that life is in the blood. Thus, the life of a Christian is in the blood of Christ.
I love this,,,,he demonstrated his love for us by dieing on the cross.In him we not only have life but life in abundance.God bless you Pst.Wambeo
Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher! Thank you so much Pastor Wambeo; you made this easy to understand! It is finished! Jesus paid our debt, and the battle is fully one! The victory is ours!
You ignite hope! Blessings!
Hallelujah Easter is key in the life of a Christian. Your writings have a divine hand sir.quite inspiring.
True! The life of a Christian is in the blood of Jesus Christ!
Power in the Blood of Jesus.Thank you Jesus for the Blood!
Thanks Pastor Mike;this quite encouraging,May the our God uplift you higher and higher,a great insight indeed. THE BLOOD THAT WASHED AWAY OUR SINS.
Sound doctrine in this article!! Thanks Pst Mike. We need to acknowledge Easter even more than Christmas.
Just wondering how we got “into “ the Easter bunny and Easter egg!!!
There is a lot power in isolation, if we squint through prayer and humility, we come out of this very refined and purified by the power of the blood of Jesus
Shalom shalom: Thanks pst you made my Easter you have enlightened me.
God bless you and fully filling your dreams
Indeed life is in the blood. As pastor has put it down, let us not miss life which is in the blood. Thanks pastor Mike for the revelation.
Very profound and insightful. Blessings for sharing.
It was indeed finished on the cross! Jesus’s handwriting through His blood on the cross is still clear and in Bold letters that only in Him can we find complete rest from the messy and noisy world around us. This is hope to the hopeless…”it’s finished”.Thanks again for sharing this. Quite a blessing.
God made him who knew no sin to become sin so that I may become the righteousness of God through his blood, Amen
This is a carefully-crafted. Deft deployment of ingenuity and creativity. Words welded well. The focus on Christ-consciousness — life, death and resurrection — is apt.
Seasonal message..God bless you pst
At the cross of Calvary is where we experience the great exchange between humanity and divinity… Profound 🙏
May the blood of Jesus fight our battles!