Fear No More

Today’s Scripture; “I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” *Psalm 34:4 (NIV).

Fear comes in different shapes and sizes. To be sure, there are full-blown phobias and crippling fears that can interrupt our life; but for most of us, fear is more insidious.

Fears of rejection, insignificance, and abandonment may not interrupt our life but they can sure influence the way we think and act. You see, our thoughts, motives and behaviour’s are constantly shaped by either faith or fear.

The Psalmist found the secret. He said that if we seek the Lord, He will deliver us from all our fears. Turn on the light of faith and the darkness of fear will dissipate. Decide to seek God today. Move away from fear, toward faith.

Today’s Prayer

Lord, I want to trade my fears for faith. Today, when fear comes to my attention, I will seek You. I will seek You with all of my heart. Thank You that You promise to deliver me. AMEN


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