Understanding the Times: Lovers of Self

2 Timothy 3:1-2
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self…
We live in a time when self has become king. This is the period of self-love, self-care, selfies, and hashtags such as ‘#IChooseMe.’ The apostle Paul while writing to his young protégé Timothy warned him that such times would come. These will be times of difficulty and will be characterised, first and foremost, by a love of self. This means that individuals will pursue their own selfish interests at the expense of everybody else. “Me first…” will be the resounding mantra.
How accurately this depicts the times we are living in. Families are disintegrating because people have chosen to pursue their interests and desires first. The whole idea of sacrifice has become a foreign concept and to suggest a laying down of self is tantamount to becoming toxic. The only unfortunate thing is that no society can flourish if each member of that society is obsessed with self. Because it is in our pursuit of the good of the community where our own good is realised. No wonder the times have become so difficult, just as predicted by the Scriptures.
1. What is your opinion on the whole idea of self-love?
2. In what other ways have you seen the love of self play out in our society?
3. In view of today’s devotion, how then should you order your life?


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