From Religion to Relationship: The Fatherhood of God

Matthew 6:8 (ESV)
Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Bilquis Sheikh, a Muslim Backround Believer (MBB), narrates her conversion and  Christian experience in her book that she aptly titled, ‘I Dared to Call Him Father.’ Indeed, it is a daring thing to call God our father for He is the Great I AM who dwells in unapproachable light. Yet, when Jesus checked onto the scene, He introduced us to a new dimension – relating with God as a Father.
 The Fatherhood of God is something that only the Christian enjoys. No other major world religion views God this way, and rightly so. But we have this privilege because the eternally begotten Son of God became a son of man in order that the children of men might become sons of God. What if we truly believed this truth? That the almighty, immortal, invisible, only wise God, is our Father. Where then is the place of worry and anxiety when our Father knows all things and deeply cares for us? We who have believed are God’s children and He is our Father even as John 1:12 puts it:
Yet to those who received, to those who believed in His name, He gave them the right to be called children of God…
1. Are you persuaded that God is your Father?
2. If so, what kind of life should you then be living?


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