Understanding the Times: Can You Really Know?

Amos 3:7
For the Lord GOD does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.
We are living in interesting times. The precursors to the end times, as foretold by the Scriptures, seem to be happening right before our eyes. Every news item seems to have something that reminds us of what the Bible already said. Wars and rumours of war, the insatiable human greed, moral degradation in pursuit of pleasure, and much more have become the reality of our day.
What then is the believer meant to do? And is it even possible to discern what God is doing amidst all these? A close reading of the Bible reveals to us that it is possible. In the Old Testament, God would reveal His secrets to His prophets as portrayed by today’s text. In our days, He has already spoken through His Son (Hebrews 1:1), and every single one of His children can know His heart. We only need to be diligent students of the Word and walk in step with the Spirit. That way, we will not only know the signs of our day but also understand what God is doing.
1. What are some of the events in our day that are signs of the end times?
2. Do you believe that you can truly know and understand what’s happening around us?


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