Understanding Discipleship: The Multiplication in Discipleship

2 Timothy 2:2 (ESV)
And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.
Making disciples who make disciples. This is the goal of discipleship in fulfilment of the command from the resurrected Christ to make disciples of all nations. The Christian faith has remained for over two millennia because of the multiplication effect of discipleship. Jesus poured Himself onto the twelve who then went ahead, with the exception of Judas and the addition of Paul, to pour themselves to others. On and on it went until the Gospel spread far and wide and permeated many cultures.
In our passage today, the apostle Paul is giving a charge to Timothy, his young disciple. This is the last known letter of Paul before he would be executed by the Roman authorities and he urges Timothy to pass on what he had received from him to others, who would then pass it on to others as well. In this short verse, we can already see that the effect of discipleship touches on four generations – Paul, Timothy, faithful men, others. This is the multiplication effect of discipleship – the Gospel being passed on from one person to another, one generation to another. This is what has led to many families holding onto a heritage of faith for many years as parents faithfully disciple their children who in turn disciple their children ad infinitum. Through faithful discipleship, the nations will be reached in no time and the result of this will be, in the words of Jesus: _“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”_ (Matthew 24:14)
1. Are you able to trace your spiritual heritage? How many generations back can you go?
2. Who are the faithful men/women in your life that you need to entrust what you have received?
3. With this understanding of multiplication in discipleship, how is your life going to change?


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