The Power of Praise: Praise, the Cure for Complaining

Psalm 103:1-2
1 Bless and affectionately praise the LORD, O my soul, And all that is [deep] within me, bless His holy name.2 Bless and affectionately praise the LORD, O my soul,
And do not forget any of His benefits;
A heavy wagon was being dragged along a country lane by a team of oxen. The axles groaned and creaked terribly, when the oxen turning around thus addressed the wheels, “Hey there, why do you make so much noise? We bear all the labor, and we — not you — ought to cry out!”
Those who tend to complain a lot usually do the least. The gift of grumbling is largely dispensed among those who have no other talents, or who keep what they have, wrapped up in a napkin.
You cannot praise and complain at the same time. When you complain the attention is on you while when you praise the attention is on God He who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or imagine.
Psalm 103 is a great Psalm filled with benefits we sometimes take for granted. It reminds us what God has done for us and who he is. It changes our perspective form self to God and the benefits we many times become selectively blind to.
To complain when we have such a BIG and ALL MIGHTY God is to declare that He is not all that He claims to be. It is to declare that we do not really trust Him and that He is limited in what He can do.
Think about this, If I truly believe that God is all mighty and all knowing, if I believe that He has a good plan for my life, if I believe that he makes all things work together for my good, if I believe that nothing is impossible with Him, then why should I complain? No matter the situation He is able to take care of me, so why should I complain?
The way I look at it, to complain is to display your ignorance and lack of faith in the God you claim to serve!
This one thing I have learned this week, when trouble comes your way, don’t waste your energy complaining instead have a praise party and lift up a sacrifice of praise before God.
Remember, no complaining instead praise God no matter the situation
Write down some of the things that stand out to you as you read the above psalms. Take some time and write down at least 5 things that you are praising God for and use those five things to write out a prayer of praise to God.
Take 15 minutes to focus on God and God alone and just PRAISE him. Share your experience and Lessons every morning between 6 and 9am on Jam 316.
Psalm 103:1-2
1 Bless and affectionately praise the LORD, O my soul, And all that is [deep] within me, bless His holy name.2 Bless and affectionately praise the LORD, O my soul,
And do not forget any of His benefits;
A heavy wagon was being dragged along a country lane by a team of oxen. The axles groaned and creaked terribly, when the oxen turning around thus addressed the wheels, “Hey there, why do you make so much noise? We bear all the labor, and we — not you — ought to cry out!”
Those who tend to complain a lot usually do the least. The gift of grumbling is largely dispensed among those who have no other talents, or who keep what they have, wrapped up in a napkin.
You cannot praise and complain at the same time. When you complain the attention is on you while when you praise the attention is on God He who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ever ask or imagine.
Psalm 103 is a great Psalm filled with benefits we sometimes take for granted. It reminds us what God has done for us and who he is. It changes our perspective form self to God and the benefits we many times become selectively blind to.
To complain when we have such a BIG and ALL MIGHTY God is to declare that He is not all that He claims to be. It is to declare that we do not really trust Him and that He is limited in what He can do.
Think about this, If I truly believe that God is all mighty and all knowing, if I believe that He has a good plan for my life, if I believe that he makes all things work together for my good, if I believe that nothing is impossible with Him, then why should I complain? No matter the situation He is able to take care of me, so why should I complain?
The way I look at it, to complain is to display your ignorance and lack of faith in the God you claim to serve!
This one thing I have learned this week, when trouble comes your way, don’t waste your energy complaining instead have a praise party and lift up a sacrifice of praise before God.
Remember, no complaining instead praise God no matter the situation
Write down some of the things that stand out to you as you read the above psalms. Take some time and write down at least 5 things that you are praising God for and use those five things to write out a prayer of praise to God.
Take 15 minutes to focus on God and God alone and just PRAISE him. Share your experience and Lessons every morning between 6 and 9am on Jam 316.


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