The Power of Love: Love Exemplified

Romans 5:7-8 (ESV)

For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

The last couple of days we have looked at the various ways in which sin has destroyed love. The other thing to consider as well is the fact that society is set up in such a way that one has to earn love. And so we gain or lose the love of others based on what we do or fail to do. However, this is not the case for Christ. He loved us, as the Bible says, while we were yet still sinners. In other words, when there was nothing lovely or even loveable in us, Jesus cast His own love on us, and paid the ultimate price for it – death on the cross.

Whenever we are disappointed by human love we should remember One that has loved us perfectly and unconditionally. When the things that have happened to us cause us to feel worthless and undeserving, let us look up and see the one who came for us, and literally died for us out of love. The love of people may change based on changing circumstances but God’s love for us remains forever. No wonder the apostle John exclaims when he remembers this fact: _“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God…”_ (1 John 3:1). Oh, what a love this is that causes us together with the hymn writer to sing:

My song is love unknown,
My Savior’s love to me;
Love to the loveless shown,
That they might lovely be.
O who am I,
That for my sake
My Lord should take
Frail flesh, and die?


1. How often do you ponder on God’s infinite love for you?
2. In what ways does today’s devotion change your perspective on love and your view of self?


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