Mindsets: Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset

John 10:10b NKJV
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
A scarcity mindset limits how you see life. This is the mindset that always sees limitations instead of possibilities. This mindset is driven by the fear that there isn’t enough and what this does is it breeds a spirit of greed and selfishness. This is mindset that leads one to anxiety and uncertainty. It is a mindset that is focused on materialistic achievements and power, one that depends on self as opposed to depending on God.
Remember the rich young ruler who came to Jesus seeking eternal life and Jesus told him to go sell all that he had and give the money to the poor after which he should come and follow Jesus? The bible says the man went away sorrowful when he heard this because he had great possessions. His identity was in his possessions and he did not want to lose that. That’s a scarcity and limited mentality. Remember the words of Jesus;
Luke 12:15 NKJV
15 And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of [a]covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”
An abundance mindset is one that is wholly dependent on God. Jesus said that he came that we may have life and life abundantly, meaning abundant life is available now for us who believe in Jesus.
This is a mindset that believes in possibilities, a mindset that is convinced that nothing is impossible with God and thus one with this mindset does not struggle to give. In fact they look for opportunities to give because they believe it is more blessed to give than to receive and they know Gods resources are unlimited.
You can tell people with this mindset by the things they say, remember, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! They speak faith and not fear. They see opportunities and not calamities. They have compassion and are givers, nothing is too big or too small for them to give. They are not attached to things but rather they thrive in relationships.
They enjoy life and live it to the full despite the circumstances they find themselves in!
So, which side do you belong to?
What is the biggest material thing God has directed you to give away? Did you obey or disobey his directive and what was the outcome?
Do you believe that God has enough resources to meet all your needs and nothing is impossible with him? How does that affect how you live your life?
What are some of the things that cause you to be anxious?


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