Biblical Resolutions: Resolve to Glorify Christ

1 Corinthians 10:31
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
The Westminster shorter catechism is a series of questions and answers that seek to address the fundamental issues of our Christian faith. The very first question and its  subsequent answer read as follows:
Question: What is the chief end of man?
Answer: The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
That is our chief end, or purpose if you like. That we were created to bring glory to God and subsequently to enjoy Him forever. Isaiah 43:7 clearly articulates the purpose for our being when it says, _”…everyone who is called by my name, *whom I created for my glory*, whom I formed and made.”_ God created us for His own purposes, in order that we may glorify Him. In other words, we are meant to think, feel, and act in ways that showcase who God is – His greatness and majesty. That is what it means to glorify God. It is to make much of Him.
This is what Paul would have the Corinthians and, by extension, us do. He goes down to the very basic and mundane things in life, like eating and drinking and exhorts us to glorify God. We are, therefore, to eat and drink in a manner that God’s attributes are in full display. And not only that, but this should be our endeavour in everything that we do. Consequently, the child of God should not seek to do things based on how they will affect them. Rather, they are to do things based on how they will portray God. The question that we must ask this year in our resolve to glorify Christ should be:
Is what and how I am thinking, feeling, or doing accurately representing God?
I pray that our answer to this will be in the affirmative, for then we will be glorifying Christ. And guess what? Only then will we know true joy because we will be living out our true purpose.
1. Have you struggled to identify what your purpose in life is? Well, it is simply to glorify Christ.
2. How will you order your life differently based on today’s devotion?


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