Understanding the Times: Wars and Rumours of War

Matthew 24:6
And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.
With the progress that the world has made in terms of technology and the defence of human rights, one would assume that war would be a thing of the past. But alas, wars have become even more fierce and deadly. With the press of a button, thousands of lives are lost as bombs are dropped. This happens to be the current situation in the Middle East as well as Russia and Ukraine. And because of how interconnected the world has become, there are threats (read rumours) that these wars might lead to a third world war. This is exactly what Jesus foretold – wars and rumours of war.
We are living at an interesting period in human history where Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. As we observe and continue to pray for the countries that are involved in war, we must also be found to be ready. Jesus, in His prediction of the end times, said that although there will be wars and rumours of war, the end is yet to come. Therefore, we must be the wise ones who rightly interpret the times and not only have our affairs in order but also preach the Gospel with urgency. Unfortunately, many people will die as a result of these wars, but worse is awaiting all those who will not be found in Christ – eternal damnation.
1. What rumours have you heard surrounding the current wars?
2. Do you believe the end is near based on what is happening? How then should your life look like?


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