Strength and Courage for 2024: Connecting With Purpose

Joshua 1:2‭-‬3 NKJV
“Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.
If we are to be strong and courageous in 2024, we must have a reason to do so. Where there is no vision it is easy to give up and get discouraged or distracted.
The question of purpose is one of the most important questions that we must continually answer in our journey. Purpose gives meaning and momentum to vision. The bible says that where there is no vision the people perish. Vision demands courage and discipline.
Joshua has a purpose, one that God made very clear to him. His purpose was to lead the people into the land that God had promised them and he was to ensure that they settle there. That was his WHY. God promised to be with him as long as he was in pursuit of this vision.
What is your why as we journey into 2024? When you and I are not able to answer the why question then it becomes easy to get discouraged and give up when challenges come.
Think about Jesus. He understood why he came and despite being betrayed and hung on a cross, he endured to the end because he understood his WHY. He had the power to get down from that cross but he did not because his why kept him there.
When we understand our WHY, when we know that God is our strength to fulfill the mission ahead, when we have his word in us that ignites faith and renews our minds, then, no matter the magnitude of discouragement and setback the enemy may hit us with, we will stay on course to fulfill the mission. We will do so because we have assurance in the word of the Lord. If he declared it, if he sent us to accomplish it, then it with get done, it will come to pass.
What are you working towards in 2024?
Why is what you are working towards important to you?
What has God spoken to you concerning 2024?


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