Devotion: New believers need Love and Acceptance

1 John 3:1
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called
children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.
One of the most important things a new believer needs is the assurance that they are loved and accepted. Depending on the background they are coming from and the things they were involved in, some new believers will need to be assured time and time again that God has forgiven them, and they are accepted in the kingdom.
Jesus gave us a new commandment that we should love one another as he has loved us. How has he loved us? Unconditionally, the Bible says that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
The church is a family and the new believer should not only feel loved and accepted, they should see this demonstrated among the members of the church.
It is sad when we discriminate people in the house of God because of social status.
As an infant grows, they will wet and soil themselves many times over, but we never throw them out or give up on them. We clean them up, feed and nature them with the understanding that as they grow and mature, they will learn how to take care of themselves. In the same manner, new believers will make mistakes and sometimes fall back to their old ways. Ours is not to condemn them and question their commitment to God. Instead, we must walk with them and continue to love them unconditionally, even as Christ has loved us.
When have you ever felt that you were not loved, and you did not belong?
When does someone need the reassurance that they are loved and accepted most, when they are good or when they make mistakes?
How can you reach out to a young believer this week to reassure them. of God’s love and acceptance?


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